Gallery – Wedding Reception Decorations Golden Cane Palms Fiddle Leaf Figs Large Cones White Covers Spheres Topiary with Sashes Ficus, Hedges, Topiary White Topiary with Sash and Flowers Ficus Screen x 4 in 2.2m white box Ficus and Palms in White Pots Golden Cane Palms Plaited Ficus Plant Wall Large Hedges White Surround Topiary with White Covers Ficus Trees Ficus Trees Plaited Ficus Fairylight behind bridal table Large Hedges Ficus Screen Topiary with white pot covers Large Hedges Topiary with flowers, sashes and scalloping Large Cones Ficus in Wine Barrel Golden Cane Palms Golden Cane Palms Topiary Trees Scalloped Entrance Large Cones- Lush Greenery Large Cones with white pot covers Large Cones – great entry statement Kentia Palms Cluster Topiary and Hedging Cluster of Plants Bamboo Palms Large Hedges Fiddle Leaf Figs Large Hedges Sabia Trees Photo – Plant Wall – Close Up Ficus in Wine Barrels