Gallery – Table PlantS Table Plants Mixture of table plants Large Table Plant Bamboo Palms Lge Table Plant Peperomia Table Plants – Ferns Charcoal Pots Table Plant – Amate Table Plants – Various Amate Mother in Laws Tonque Amate Fern – Short Term Hire Succulent Low Bowls White Diamond Pots with multi- planted succulents Small Pots will Single Succulents Succulent Table Tops Cluster Kentia Palm Palms Mother in Laws Tonque Amate Fiddle Leaf in Pebble Pot Succulents Peace Lily Ficus Elastica Peperomia Calathea Succulents Succulents Various white pots Succulents Herbs in White round Pots Dieffenbachia Ferns in Charcoal Pots Ferns in Charcoal Pots Peperomia Fern Fiddle Leaf Fig Herbs in Dark Charcoal Pots Various Herbs and Pots Succulent bowl 30cmD Succulent bowl 30cmD